Central Laws (主管機關法規)
University Act(大學法)
Enforcement Rules of the University Act(大學法施行細則)
Act of Governing the Appointment of Educators(教育人員任用條例)
Enforcement Rules of Act Governing the Appointment of Educators(教育人員任用條例施行細則)
Accreditation Regulations Governing Teacher Qualifications at Institutions of Higher Education(專科以上學校教師資格審定辦法)
Teacher Remuneration Act(教師待遇條例)
Act Governing Retirement, Severance, and Bereavement Compensation for the Teaching and Other Staff Members of Public Schools(公立學校教職員退休資遣撫卹條例)
Work Permits for International Faculty Members (外籍教師聘僱許可)
Ministry of Education Laws and Regulations Shared System
Procedures for teacher appointments and promotions (教師聘任及升等規定、作業程序)
Instructions for Filling out the New Faculty Member/Change of Appointment/Promotion Application and Review Forms
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Principles for the Appointment of Part-Time Faculty Members
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Guidelines for Appointing Specialists as Instructors
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Regulations for the Appointment and Promotion of Research Fellows
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Regulations for the Recruitment and Appointment of Top global Talent
(國立中興大學延攬國際頂尖人才遴聘辦法 109.10.23)
(國立中興大學教師合聘辦法 -待修正)
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Guidelines Governing Changes of Appointment for Full-Time Faculty Members
(國立中興大學專任教師轉聘作業要點 104.12.
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Regulations for Faculty Appointments and Promotions
Procedure for screening qualifications of teachers (教師資格審查作業程序)
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Faculty Promotion Review Standards and Publication Review Guidelines
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Faculty Accreditation Review for Monographs, Technical Reports, Artwork, Sports Achievements, and Teaching Practice Research
Foreign Academic Credential Overview for Faculty Accreditation Reviews
National Chung Hsing University Faculty Accreditation Review Certificate of Co-authorship for Representative Works
(教育部專科以上學校教師資格審查代表作合著人證明 111-12)
Faculty appointments (for project-based teachers) 專案教師聘任
Part-Time Work and Teaching Engagements for Contract Personnel (契約進用職員兼職、兼課)
(本校契約進用職員管理要點 -待修正)
National Chung Hsing University Contract Employee Work Rules
(國立中興大學契約進用職員工作規則 110.10.20)
Faculty Remuneration (教師敘薪)
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Regulations Governing Flexible Pay for the Recruitment, Retention, and Commendation of Extraordinary Talent
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Regulations for the Establishment of Distinguished Professorships
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Regulation Governing Flexible Pay for Distinguished Faculty Members
Seniority-based Pay Raise (教師年資晉薪)
National Chung Hsing University Regulations Governing Faculty Seniority and Pay Raises
Contract Faculty Members (教師聘約)
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Full-Time Faculty Appointment Contract
(國立中興大學專任教師聘約1100604第93次校務會議修正 1110607修)
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Part-Time Faculty Appointment Contract
Mandatory Promotion Deadline (限期升等)
Visiting Professors (客座教授)
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Guidelines for the Recruitment of Visiting Personnel
Professor Emeritus (名譽教授)
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Regulations for the Appointment of Professors Emeritus
(國立中興大學名譽教授致聘辦法 103.12.12)
Unpaid Leave During Secondment (借調留職停薪)
Part-Time Work and Teaching Engagements (兼職、兼課)
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Guidelines Governing Full-Time Faculty Members’ Part-Time Off-Campus Work and Teaching Engagements
Attendance and Leave Regulations for teachers (出缺勤請假規定-教師)
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Regulations Governing Sabbatical Leave for Professors and Associate Professors
Attendance and Leave Regulations for Contract Personnel (出缺勤請假規定—契約進用職員)
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Flexible Work Hours: Notices for Employees
Attendance and Leave Regulations for Project Personnel (出缺勤請假規定—計畫人員)
Faculty Appeals (教師申訴)
NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITY Guidelines for the Organization of the Faculty Appeals Committee and Its Review Procedures
Faculty Evaluations (教師評鑑)